Our youngest learners must be at least 2 ½ years old to enroll. Limited mid-year start openings are available for children who reach the age requirement after September. This class meets on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, with an optional additional day beginning in February. It is not required for a student to be potty trained to be in the 2’s class, and teachers will help work with parents during the potty training process.
The 2’s class is led by a head teacher, assistant teacher, and a co-op parent. Our highest priority is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Children acquire autonomy and independence while engaging in gross motor play, sensory activities, music, circle, and story time. Teachers gently guide the children through different activities, and help promote positive social interactions between students. Language acquisition is also an integral part of the program; children learn new vocabulary and build a sound platform for expanding communication. They often experience a language explosion, which is a delight for both parents and teachers alike. Going outside on a daily basis is a priority at the school, and the Co-op has three outdoor play areas: the courtyard, the blacktop (where there are a multitude of ride-along toys), and a larger playground in the back of the property.
The Co-op encourages successful drop-offs and student independence by having a gradual introduction to school. On the first day, parents are encouraged to stay for as much of the morning as they would like. The first day lasts for an hour and a half. As the days continue, teachers encourage parents to stay as long as is appropriate for each individual child, and help guide the parent and child as to when the child is ready to have more independence. The day then lengthens to 2 ½ hours, ensuring that all students build their independence muscle at a pace that is appropriate for them.
During the second month of school, parents will begin to co-op in the classroom. A class parent will set up a co-op schedule and send it out to everyone, and parents are invited into the classroom approximately once per month to help assist the teachers. They are not responsible for activity planning. Rather, the parents are there to help students participate in various activities. The parents are also welcome to bring a favorite book from home and read it aloud to the class. Co-oping in the classroom is a beloved tradition at our school, and an opportunity to see your child shine, as well as get to know the other students and teachers in a way that is unique to the Co-op.
Additionally, each parent participates in a volunteer position at the Co-op. These positions range from assisting with book orders to coordinating hospitality events such as the family breakfast or annual pie sale fundraiser. The various volunteer opportunities accommodate all different schedules, and the school works with each family to find positions that are manageable and fun. These opportunities foster lasting friendships among families and strengthen the Co-op community.